
Debbie Bauer
Holistic Dog Behavior & Wellness Coach;
Internationally recognized Blind & Deaf Dog Expert
I'm so glad you're here!
I'm passionate about empowering and supporting people and their dogs to be the best they can be!
I coach with clear, easy-to-follow instructions to ensure that you and your dog are successful each step of the way. Life with your dog gets to be fun and easy!
Do you want a dog that's a joy to live with?
Do you want peace of mind that your dog is living the best quality of life possible?
Are you looking for solutions to your dog's unwanted behaviors?
Do you want living with your dog to be easy and stress-free?
Do you want to allow your dog to reach his/her full potential?
Contact me today! I am eager to help you get started.

Invincible Vinny
Chief Educating Officer
Blind & Deaf Dogs
Have a fun and easy lifestyle with your blind and/or deaf dog.
Learn ways to communicate, how to set up your home and yard for success, and ways to encourage behaviors you like in place of those you don't.
Many pet parents are concerned that their blind and/or deaf dog won't have a good quality of life. I can help you create and implement an individualized Quality of Life Plan for your dog, taking into account your lifestyle and your dog's personality.

Well-Rounded Dog
There are many aspects of your dog's lifestyle that affect behavior, wellness and well-being.
Behavior and other concerns often melt away when we make adjustments to lifestyle and environment.
Learn about the Your Inner Dog Wellness Wheel, and learn step by step how your dog can become a Well-Rounded Dog!